Latest Past Events


Design Within Reach 1918 1st Ave, Seattle

Jorge Cainas' sculptural works feature silica, a key ingredient used to create glass. Silica is also used in concrete, ceramics, and crystalline minerals such as quartz. Come explore silica in its many forms. Come see a showcase of 20-30 sculptural pieces throughout the showroom.

Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams

Seattle Art Museum 1300 1st Avenue, Seattle

Co-organized by the Seattle Art Museum and the Baltimore Museum of Art, Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams will be the summative career retrospective of one of […]


Bites & Bubbles at Vetri

Vetri 1404 1st Ave, Seattle

Join us at Vetri for Bites & Bubbles, a lively champagne reception celebrating the exceptional glasswork of Andi Kovel, Gemma Hollister and Morgan Peterson, who are all contestants from the […]
